Saturday, December 14, 2013

Boots and Bar!

This is going to be quick, for reasons explained later - but we have the boots and bar!

I snapped this while we were in the PCH waiting room - first smile caught on camera!

We got to Phoenix Children's Hospital at 11:30 on Thursday, and shortly afterward Peter's final casts were removed. Dr. Segal checked out his feet and the tenotomy incisions, declared them both good, and wrote out the prescription for the boots & bar.

Not a great pic because he wouldn't stop kicking :)
We went to Hanger - the branch nearest PCH specializes in pediatric orthotics - for the boots and bar. We were shown to an exam room. The orthotist, Ellen, came in and did measurements. I washed and dried Peter's feet, removing the last little bits of gauze. I also applied lotion to his legs and feet as the skin was all flaky from the casts, and put on his new socks.

Ellen brought in the BNB and showed us how to put them on him. It's going to be a while before I get the hang of it!

Rocking the BNB

Later that evening, he got the first bath since the day he was born! He was unsure at first but quickly adjusted.

Unfortunately, Peter hates the brace so far. :( He barely slept at all Thursday night, and he's been very fussy/cranky since then. I am typing this one-handed because he fusses when I'm not holding him.  I hope he adjusts soon - I'm trying to get ready for Christmas and am still figuring out babywearing with the brace.

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor little guy. I hope he adjusts soon! Hang in there. Soon you will be whipping that brace on and off with your eyes closed!


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