Friday, October 10, 2014

A Long Overdue Update

Yes, it's been a while! 

Today is the one year anniversary of the day he got his first casts.



He turned one year old on October 7 and we had a fun party for him the previous Saturday.

We're in maintenance mode right now. We put on the boots at night, right before bedtime, and take them off again in the morning. Same old, same old. :)

Since he got his new boots back in May, we've had some issues with pressure sores, so we finally got some pressure saddles from the orthotics shop (see the white things shaped like a Pringle under his middle strap on the left boot) and those seem to be helping.

I read this post about the "Bloody Boots and Bar" and thought it was spot on. The BNB can be annoying at times (especially when the poor kiddo has things like pressure sores happening) but we're so thankful that the treatment is, all things considered, relatively easy and non-invasive. 

1 comment:

  1. Roslyn also had one size of boots that just didn't seem to fit right, the pringles helped. She only needed them for that one pair. I've kept them though, in case it happens again. I suppose it's normal considering it's a one-shape-fits-all type of shoe, that we'll move in and out of it fitting nicely.

    I can't wait for James to be in nights only wear. I'd forgotten how awkward 24 hour a day boots can be!

    Your son's feet look great! He's got such chubby legs!!! Adorable!


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